Lots of factors come together to determine how the UX performs, so here are just a few of the areas to take into account if you plan to make optimizations.
Streamline the underlying database
It is likely that your app relies on some form of database to function, and if this element is poorly maintained then end users will definitely notice. Thankfully with modern monitoring tools and troubleshooting strategies, app databases can be kept in check. For example, dealing with index fragmentation in the way described on SentryOne.com will keep queries snappy and stop apps from chugging.
Embrace native interface features
While you might feel like you have a fresh approach to app interactivity which works better than the standards used by modern mobile operating systems, following your instincts and breaking the mould with your UI is not ideal. In fact, it can create an unnecessary learning curve which will put off newcomers, even if it is theoretically more user-friendly and efficient. Instead, embrace the specific, native interface quirks of the platforms on which your app runs so that using it feels like second nature to those already familiar with the OS.
Create a cohesive look and feel throughout
Even if your app is made up of many sections and moving parts, there needs to be a consistent through-line of design that connects these together. If not, it may feel fragmented and might even leave users confused; they could think they have inadvertently launched a separate app if different aspects are very dissimilar. Usually it is the core interface that remains the same, but you can go a step further by ensuring that your branding and your corporate colors are also present at all times.
Take a tiered approach to revealing functions
This is most useful if your app has deep, varied and potentially complex capabilities, and the idea is that you can avoid intimidating new users if the full range of functions are hidden at first. Carefully managing the onboarding process is key to retaining users and enhancing the experience in the first minutes and hours of use. So rather than offering up everything at once, do not be shy about blocking off certain abilities until later.
Avoid clutter
Tying into the idea of keeping functionality lean at first, it also pays to present your app in a way that does not overwhelm the user. The best apps are those which can give users what they need at a glance, and not require them to spend longer scouring the screen to find the relevant piece of information or menu item they require. De-cluttering the UI will usually improve the user experience, but be sure to test any changes you make thoroughly before rolling them out. Putting your app through its paces and fixing the issues you find is better than settling for second best.