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Plus, there are usually limits on how much you can download. MovieBox eliminates both of those problems, giving you the option of direct streaming to your device, offers unlimited movies, and it is entirely free.

How to Download MovieBox

MovieBox is compatible with iOS and Android, and there is also know a way to download it on PC or Mac too. Choose a method and follow our guide:

Steps for Downloading MovieBox on iOS

MovieBox has been renamed as MovieBox Pro and, to get it, you need a third-party installer such as AppValley,

Steps for Downloading MovieBox on Android

You must follow these steps carefully,

Steps for Downloading MovieBox on Desktop

This is easy enough to do but, because MovieBox has not been designed for desktop use, you will need an Android emulator – Bluestacks is the best one:

Troubleshooting Problems of MovieBox

You will probably find, within a few days after installing it, that MovieBox crashes and stops working. This is down to it being unofficial and Apple revoking the app certificate. Rather than getting yourself into an endless cycle of reinstallation, download one of the VPNs for MovieBox straight away. The certificate is protected and cannot be revoked. While it is a stable app, a few common errors seem to be raising their heads. Don’t worry because we have solutions for all of them,

 White/Blank Screen

This is not a serious issue and can be fixed quite easily:

AppValley Invalid Argument Supplied

This looks far more complicated than it is: AppValley should now work.

Apps similar to AppValley

Untrusted Enterprise Developer Error

This is another easy one to fix:

MovieBox Has Stopped Working

This is a verification issue and is similar to the fix above:

AppValley Won’t Download

One of the most common errors, this is also one of the simplest to fix: This is usually down to you already having AppValley on your device and trying to run a different version – all it does is causes conflict.

Profile Installation Failed Error

This is another one that looks complicated but isn’t. Mostly, it is caused by the Apple Servers being overloaded and not coping with the level of traffic. Just try waiting for a couple of hours and then having another go. If you still can’t get rid of the error, try this:

Alternative Apps to MovieBox

MovieBox is just one movie streaming app. If you want something different, have a look at these alternatives. All are free to use and all support both iOS and Android,

CotoMovies MediaBox HD Popcorn Time

There is no doubting that MovieBox is one of the best apps we have for streaming movies and TV shows. It offers access to all the latest and the best of the old classics. Leave us a comment below to tell us what you think.

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